has listed approx 11 Canoe and kayak clubs in Ireland. Some of the Top rated Canoe and kayak clubs in Ireland are- Kilkenny Aqua Canoe Club, Poulaphouca Paddlers, Tullow Kayak Club, Laois Kayak and Canoe Club, Laois Kayak and Canoe Club, Laois Kayak and Canoe Club, Abbeyshrule Canoe Club, Laois Kayak and Canoe Club, Limerick Kayak Club & Clonmel Slalom Course.

Place Name
Canoe and kayak club
Canoe and kayak club
Canal Walk, Lacken, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Unnamed Road, Russellstown, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Ballymurphy Rd, Tullowphelim, Co. Carlow, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Old Bridge, Course, Durrow, Co. Laois, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Old Bridge, Course, Durrow, Co. Laois, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Old Bridge, Course, Durrow, Co. Laois, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Joe's shed, Drumanure, Abbeyshrule, Co. Longford, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
Old Bridge, Course, Durrow, Co. Laois, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
The Ferry Playground, Chapel Hill, Coolbane, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick, Ireland
Canoe and kayak club
2 Raheen Rd, Glebe, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland

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